Episode 14: There is nothing as heart-wrenching as living with mommy guilt. Having this preconceived idea in our minds and hearts of what being a mommy looks like and finding ourselves falling short in that department. I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way. You can use that lack of time to your advantage and create that relationship that travels a lifetime.
Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:
Oh, The Guilt that can seep into motherhood
There is nothing as heart-wrenching as living with mommy guilt. Having this preconceived idea in our minds and hearts of what being a mommy looks like and finding ourselves falling short in that department and with our time.
You’re trying to provide for them, make sure they have a good life and are well adjusted, but you find yourself having little time to really have that connection and spend that time with them you feel you should. Oh, I’ve definitely been there!
How to leave a lasting impression and How to lift our children up with words and deeds
In today’s episode, I discuss how we can turn things around and use that little bit of time to create those big moments that leave a lasting impression. You know, those moments they will be talking about all the way into adulthood.
One thing about growing up in the military and then being in the military myself, you learn in many ways, your family’s time is not their own. We even joked about the fact that when you sign up for the military, you pretty much sign your life away. So as time goes on, you learn one of two things, you either make it work for you or you let it destroy you. We decided to make it work for us and we learned how to make the most of those moments we did have, and make them count.
But the thing is, it is not only privy to the military family. We all have busy lives and times when we feel like we are on the hamster wheel of life. But it doesn’t have to be a negative experience.
What it means to just show up and Cultivating those Precious relationships
The question is how do we make the most of the time we have and load it with lots of love?
Let me share with you some of my family favorites.
I learned it’s not the amount of time, but how we use the time we do have that is important to making that good-lasting life impact on our children.
And the beauty is it only gets better! I started as a child, continued as a mother, and carried it further as a grandmother. And don’t let Covid-19 slow you down!