
I Keep Saying Yes When I Want To Say No

Episode 17: Some type of motivation drives everything we do. And sometimes, we hide that motivation even from ourselves. Do you ever wonder why you find yourself saying Yes when all you really want to say is No? Do you ever wonder why you keep putting your wants and desires on the back burner to please others? Is it a true desire to give or a hidden desire to get? Let’s unpack that on today’s episode; I Keep Saying Yes When I Want To Say NO!

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:

How to find the right word

Everything we do is driven by some type of motivation. And sometimes we hide that motivation even from ourselves. Do you ever wonder why you find yourself saying Yes when all you really want to say is No?

In today’s episode, we take a hard look at why we keep saying yes when we want to say no and some ways we can turn that old familiar pattern around.

Developing the skill of honest representation

It took a minute for me to identify why I always found myself saying yes, even when in my heart of hearts I didn’t feel it, and to be honest, I really didn’t want to.

Putting myself in this predicament over and over again started me feeling resentful and sour. I kept finding myself doing things I didn’t want to but I felt I was in a place where the only answer I could rightfully give was YES!

Not a good place to be. So I had to start really evaluating what I was feeling and why I was feeling that way. I should feel good about helping others anyway, right?

It’s all in the preplanning

Do you know what I realized after doing a bit of soul searching? I was in a sense, putting myself in that predicament because of deep-rooted motivations.

In a nutshell, people-pleasing and wanting so bad to be liked and accepted. Anything for the sake of being accepted right? But I began to realize I had control of how things played out, I just had to take that control and exercise it.

Let me be clear, it’s not always easy, but…

It’s Well Worth It

The thing is, in this instance, we have full responsibility and control of how we feel. At the point when we realize there lies a choice before us, we have the real power to determine the outcome of our emotional wellbeing.

Until next time,




Mischelle Head Shot Square

Certified Life Coach | Facilitator of MORE | Boundaries Strategist |
I support women approaching a season in their life where they're searching for more, create the space to fulfill their dreams, and embark on the journey to reinventing themselves.

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