Episode 11: The thought of taking risks for some of us can leave you shaking in your boots. Each new thing, each challenge we find ourselves facing can carry with it some bad experiences, some disappointments, some failures, but that doesn’t mean we can’t win in the end. Join us this week on Episode 11: Are You Afraid to Take Risks?
Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:
Is it fear or Risk holding us back
The thought of taking risks for some of us can have you shaking in your boots. But taking calculated risks is important and necessary for us to make important decisions in our lives.
In today’s episode, I go in-depth about how you can actually benefit from taking the right risks. But I’ll give you a little peek here.
The Road to Open Doors is Calculated risks - And what are calculated risk
I have beautiful grand-twin girls and I love watching them learn new things and conquer each challenge they face in their development. But what really amazes me is how every time they reach one milestone, bumps, scraps, falls and all, they conquer the next one within a few days.
And I thought, that’s really life for all of us, isn’t it? Each new thing, each challenge we find ourselves facing can carry with it some bad experiences, some disappointments, some failures, some tears, but that doesn’t mean we can’t win in the end, it doesn’t mean we can’t get back up. We rise up knowing we can whip this thing with a little tenacity, determination, and faith.
You see, every decision we make to grow, to advance to the next level, and to flourish in life comes with risk, but without risk, there is no growth.
I actually love teaching my clients about how they can take calculated risks without being overcome with fear.